The original amp meter. It wont work unfortunately as the amperage on both sides is too high, but it fits the hole and looks cool so its going back in until I find a better use for it. A little heat shrink on the ends will keep it safeMounting the bracket. I held it all in place with a clamp and then drilled the holes through both pieces of metal at onceMounted. Quick check to make sure its earthing appropriately. I scrubbed the paint off the inside off the case so it makes a good connectionOK transformer is installed, just the switch and amp meter to put in nowAmp Meter was pretty straight forward. Doing a quick test to make sure everything still works before wiring anything else up
Installed the cabling into the electrode holders and bolted inFor the switch I made a little angle bracket from more microwave metalThen pop riveted it onBoth sides done and cables pre-inserted because it would be a pain to put them in afterAnother two holes and rivets and the switch is installed. I had to sand the edges of the switch a tiny bit to get it to fit smoothlyAll wired up, its a bit snug, if it gets too warm I might consider installing a fanFinished!Still workingGlamour shot
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