I have done some more work on the beer cooler / water cooler project. check it out hereÂ
Macro High Speed Photography
New article about budget high speed macro photography is up here
Grass Cutting and a small explanation
A lot of people look at me strangely with a “why didn’t you just go buy one” look in their eye, when I show them these things. So to explain myself a little bit; this is fun for me, building things out of whatever I have lying about, its a hobby. I am not trying to invent something that doesn’t already exist I am just trying to do a job with the tools that I already have.
My current project is a lawn mower/weed wacker built out of a hand blender, I could of gone to the hardware store and bought a weed wacker or a lawn mower for $130 or $300 but thats not fun, and I have all the bits I need to make it, so I am recycling as well.
So without further Ado, here is my latest project, which was fun, recycled, and cheap

Update: Engine Power
Slowly, but its still coming along. (more)
Making a Clutch
I spent a bit more time working on the clutch and its control mechanism, I’ve made a rough plan of how I hope it will work and built a prototype with shaft, pulley, and homemade bearing. (more)
Update: Pulley Making Part 2 – Cutting/Turning
As per Part 1. I now have a working drill and hole saw that runs of an old computer power supply. I can turn wood with the same drill by mounting it in a vice and bolting the wood into the chuck. I cut and turned some pulleys but they are a bit wonky. (more)

Update: Pulley Making – Equipment
I decided the cheapest option (since all my projects try to be as low cost as possible) for me is to try manufacture my own pulley’s from wood. I needed to build/modify some tools to do this. (more)

Update: Modular engine
I was given a ‘broken’ Briggs and Stratton 095722 engine by my father, I casually disassembled it down to the crank over a couple of months, replaced the gaskets, cleaned it up was pleasantly surprised to find it was working once more. (more)

Remote Control Intro
I’ve finished a little Universal Remote Control project you might be interested in. TV (and more) control from a cellphone for under $10 Check it out!