Macro Photography with a budget point-and-click camera

I wanted to purchase a new camera with some good macro options to get better project shots. I also wanted to experiment with a bit of amateur macro photography for a bit of fun. But my budget, as always, was about $0.

Project considerations

  • Low cost
  • Can’t modify existing camera
  • Can be removed or attached easily
  • Works…
  • The first thing I needed was a new lens. I picked up a Macro Zoom Ring +10 Diopter from trademe for $15NZD which was pretty similar to this :

    My budget point-and-click camera obviously couldn’t mount it so I needed to make some things….

    First I needed to make a small extension tube for the lens, and some way of mounting it to the camera. Conveniently, the first thing I laid my hands on, the cap of a bottle of degreaser, just so happened to hold the lens quite snugly. I secured it with black electrical tape, and also wrapped the cap with it several times to block out the light. Then, I cut a hole in the top of the cap, around the size of the existing camera extension tubes so that it could fit snugly on there.

    NB: Cutting through the plastic is much easier with the tape applied. It meants it doesn’t crack when cutting it.

    To mount it to the camera, I built a small perspex base that attached to the bottom of the camera and extended forward so that I could attach the lens and its extension tube to it. When I attached the camera and placed the macro lens onto the mount, it seemed to hold itself in there quite well. (although I may add another bolt to secure it firmly…)

    Now all I need to do is turn the camera on, the lens moves into the hole and I can take macro shots!

    Now for some example shots…

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